Saturday, April 9, 2016

How to Achieve Success in Examinations-SIMPLE N EASY TIPS TO HELP YOU IN STUDIES

Studying has never been known to be pleasant, not even by the most intelligent students. Examination success has more to it than what just meets the eye. Here are a few essential hints to help you pass easily.

  1. Image titled Achieve Success in Examinations Step 01
    Practice constant rehearsal of the matter. This technique helps information to be moved from short term memory into long term memory storage.

Amazing Facts About India We Bet You Didn’t Know.

Islamic HDR Wallpapers, Islamic architect 4

East or west, India is the best :)

1) Around a 100 million years ago, India was an island.
2) India’s name is derived from the “Indus” river.
3) Indus Valley Civilisation is the world’s oldest civilisation.
4) India, hence, is the world’s oldest, most advanced and continuous civilisation.
5) India has been the largest troop contributor to the United Nations Peacekeeping Missions since its inception.
6) India has the world’s third largest active army, after China and USA.
7) The Tirupati Balaji temple and the Kashi Vishwanath Temple both, receive more visitors than the Vatican City and Mecca combined.

Friday, April 8, 2016

What are some of India's best contributions to the world?

India has contributed to the field of architecture, astronomy, cartography, metallurgy, logic, mathematics, medicine,metrology and mineralogy .During recent times it has contributed vastly to automobile engineering, information technology, communications as well as research into space and polar technology.There are a few simple yet interesting things invented by Indians and adopted universally.

1. Buttons 

Buttons were first used in Mohenjo-daro for ornamental purpose rather  than for fastening. They were first used in the Indus Valley  Civilization by 2000 BCE. 

Friday, April 1, 2016

National hero-The Flying Sikh - Milkha Singh

Sardar Milkha Singh is the greatest living Sikh Athlete. Born in a family of modest means, joining the army and then discovering the penchant for running and winning is his life in summation. milkha singh at 1960 Olympics. He deservedly got an epithet named "Flying Sikh" from Pakistan General Ayub Khan. Till date (Until 2000 Sydney Olympics) the 'Flying Sikh' is the only Indian to have broken an Olympic record. Unfortunately, he was the fourth athlete to reset the mark and thus missed the bronze medal in the 400m event at the Rome Olympics in 1960.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

13 Things You Didn’t Know About India's Contribution To World War 1

    1. India contributed with more soldiers than Australia, Canada, New Zealand and South Africa combined. 

    World War Indian Soldiers
    In fact, every sixth soldier fighting for the Biritsh Empire was from the Indian subcontinent. Nearly 800,000 combatants took part in the war.

    2. Indian soldiers won 11 Victoria Cross honours, Britain’s highest military honour. Overall 13,000 medals were won by the Indian Corps.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Skin Care tips for soft and healthy skin..

Skin of our body can be considered as important as any other vital organ in the human system. The Skin and muscles provide an important shelter to the inner organs which are delicate and need to be protected. Apart from its utility in the body system, skin contributes to a large extent to the outer appearance and the beauty of an individual. Who doesn't want a clean and glowing skin that magnifies the a beauty or attractiveness of a person. A healthy and glowing skin is also the indication of the healthy state of the body. Mentioned here in the article, are a few basic skin care tips that should be kept in mind to have healthy skin and a beautiful appearance.

Regular washing of the skin

Skin Care

Contribution of India to the World

Some of the valuable contributions of India to the world are listed below.
  • The decimal number system of place value 10 was invented by Indians.

    My India
  • Indians were the first to use Zero as a numeral.
  • The present place value system was invented by Indians.
  • Algebra, Trigonometry, Geometry and Calculus originated in India.
  • The Binary number system which is used in modern computers and digital devices was invented in India.
  • The largest numbers the Greeks and the Romans used were 106 whereas Indians used numbers as big as 10*53 (i.e 10 to the power of 53 ) with specific names as early as 5000 B.C.  During the Vedic period.
  • The value of “pi” correct to 5 decimal places was manipulated by Aryabhatta and he was the first scientist to declare pi as an irrational number. However the value of “pi” correct to 31 decimals has been encrypted in ancient Indian Vedas long before the invention of Aryabhatta or the Greek.