Thursday, March 10, 2016

Education System in India-Fundamental Problems with education system

We all want a job that pays us in six figures every month. But we are not ready to see the ground reality of our education system that how come it is going to help you in getting a job that could pay you in six figures.

education system in India
With my own experience, I have jot down 10 fundamental problems with education system in our country. You need to know these 10 problems.

1. Education System Promotes Rat Race

Our education system basically promotes rat race among our children. They have to read and mug-up entire text book without any understanding of it.
o a student who scores 90 out of 100 and comes first actually remains a rat. I mean to say he or she does not have any analytical skills that a child must have.
It is time to change our education system.

2. Education Does Not Builds Persona of a Child

Unfortunately our education system is not helping to develop persona of a child. Remember, it is personality that is more important than academic qualification.
As I said earlier, our system demands good numbers from a child in an exam not to show his personality. Hence a child is not well exposed to outer world and he or she might not be able to develop a personality.
So this is another flaw in our education system.

3. No Critical Analysis, only Following the Establishment

Our children are not able to do critical analysis of anything, for example our history, culture and religion. They take the line of establishment or the views of predominant majority.
They are simply not able to look things from their own perspective. If you want a society should become a lot better than we must develop a culture of looking at things critically.
We are simply failing at this because of our education system. Children must learn to criticize our own culture and other established narratives.

4. Too Much Parochialism Rather Global Outlook

Our education teaches too much of nationalism and it could create a negative mindset in our younger generation. Loving your country is good thing but just blind love is dangerous.
In our schools children are not able to get a global outlook. It means how to see yourself that you are actually a global citizen rather confined to a place or a country.
I myself was not able to feel that I am a cosmopolitan rather I was thought to become a jingoistic.

5. Teachers Themselves are Not Trained and Efficient

To make things worse, our teachers themselves are not sufficiently trained to teach kids. They do not have proper training that how they are going to impart values in children that are going to change the future of the country.
If they can teach properly then the government does not have enough salary to pay. Hence, to improve our education system teachers should be better trained and more importantly better paid.
You cannot imagine a country without respecting teachers.

6. Medium of Language of our Education System

This is also a big problem that needs to be addressed. We are not able to decide on the medium of language of our education system.
Still emphasize is given on English where majority of children cannot understand the language. So how does they are going to understand what teachers are teaching.
Moreover, subjects like mathematics, physics and arts have nothing to do with the medium of communication. Hence, over-emphasis on English could be wrong.

7. Education Given is Irrelevant to Job-Market

This is perhaps the most apparent failure of our education system that after completing graduation in any discipline students are not able to get jobs.
It is simply because skills that are required in a job market are simply not present in a fresh graduate. All that a student is taught in his entire school and college life is almost redundant for job markets.
Skill that is required by them is not taught in schools and colleges. Hence our education system is needed to be revamped and must be designed according to our economic policies.

8. Missing Innovation & Creation because Only Aping West

If we talk about the privileged children in India then even they are not able to innovate and create new things. Although they have everything that a child need but still they lack something in them.
What they are doing is only aping western culture and not being able to do something new. On the one hand children are not able to go to schools and on other hand, if they are going then are not able to innovate or solve the problems that the country is facing.
Hence, this is yet another fundamental problem with our education system.

9. Students Happy in Getting a Highly Paid Salary Job but Lacks Ambition to Become Entrepreneur

Now, in college campuses it has become a common thing that every young student is interested in a getting a job that pays them well. However, they would never like to become an entrepreneur.
This lack of ambition does not allow our country to excel in any field. This attitude of our children making them slaves of few multinational companies.

Therefore our education system should be designed to make our children a successful entrepreneurs rather going for a salaried job.

10. Gross Failure of Our Education System to End Social Disparity

The last but not the least failure of our education system is after so many years it has not being able to reduce social disparity in our country. In fact, social disparity has gone up.
It is such a shame that education itself has become a tool for creating divisions. A child of a rich parent would get good education and a child of poor parent cannot afford even a basic education.
Government should intervene and make education its prime responsibility.


Finally, I would say we spend only few percent of our GDP on education, so our government should make education its first priority and try to address issues those are mentioned in this blog.
If government is able to take note of these 10 problems then we can definitely overhaul our education system.

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